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SHFW-WXR/L-3837 / ADA10-RS/LS Shower Stall

38.0" X 37.0" (36.0" X 36.0" interior), one-piece, sanitary grade gelcoat, fiberglass composite shower stall with single R or L, WX expanded entry wall reveal to minimize transfer space, .50" high finished threshold with floor attachment flange and flat wall design for installation of components (L version shown in photo)


Size: 38" x 37" x 74.75"


-Textured floor pattern
-Factory installed ADA & ANSI compliant bar & seat packages available
-Factory installed wall reinforcement available
-Reference: Support Documents / "WX Vertical Flange Profile" for flange detail

ADA10-RS/LS Package Features

-ADA compliant, folding phenolic seat, 2-wall, stainless steel bar package with curtain rod
-Textured floor pattern
-Factory installed reinforcement only
-Component packages available w/ enhanced reinforcement

Model Documents

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Always build on BEDROCK!

Everyone understands the stability of bedrock. At Oasis this principle is exhibited in our "Bedrock Solid" floor system. Those annoying creaks and flex points experienced with other composite floors are eliminated with our composite encased BALSAWOOD core.


"V" Is For Versatile

The Oasis VURSA family is the only bathware collection that provides true versatility. Our ample storage and creature comforts, coupled with extensive adaptability within a single design, go well beyond any competitor. Check out VURSA and VURSAkd for yourself.


Let’s Get Technical

Oasis wants you to get exactly what you need. That's why we offer an extensive library of individual products and package submittals in various electronic formats. Simply select the model and package configuration you need, and chose from PDF, CAD or BIMM/Revit files.